Thursday, August 7, 2008

I Met Them When They Were Eighteen

I was looking at Luke's Flickr account.

I guess Luke & Henry went to their cousin's wedding. Perhaps in Taiwan?

And as I was looking at the photos, I thought... gosh, they look so old now.

The first time I met Henry was when we were both 18. He was a floormate at the UCLA dorms.

Then I met Luke a year later (two?), when he was 18 (or 19?). I think it was at a restaurant with bellydancing. Well, it was an ISA event, so we were there for cultural stuff. Maybe I met him earlier... but that's when I remember him from.

Now they're in their 30s, and they look so オジサン. Does that mean I look オバサンtoo?

1 comment:

mashu said...

yes. we're all gettin old. i don't think i joined ISA that early...? but yea it's been a while :)