Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Koge Doesn't Like WiiFit

Sat and I have been playing with the WiiFit a lot. I logged about 1-1/2 hours, and Sat probably has 2 hours logged. And we're only in our second day.

But there's someone in the Yama household that doesn't like the WiiFit.
That would be 三女 Koge.

Example 1
When Sat started to jog (in place), Koge walked into my room to hide under the bed covers.

Example 2
When Sat was going a strength exercise with me watching, Koge pee'd on Sat's blanket on the couch.

I think we're not paying enough attention to her.

So next time we play with WiiFit, we need to invite another person over to play with Koge.

PS. My WiiFit age is 29! (Sat is 32) But we both gained weight from yesterday -__-


Erika said...

You didn't gain fat, you gained muscle! ;)

Shizuki said...

erika >
I ate just before I went on the WiiBoard. Also forgot to pee too. But it was only 0.5 lbs, so I figured it was okay.