Monday, April 20, 2009

Bee Problems

I keep finding dead or semi-dead bees in my bath tub.
And I see bees flying right outside my shower window (vent?)

So I figured I had a bee hive right outside my bathroom window... and Ichigo emailed saying she knocked down three mini hives at night when she came by to feed Koge.

Ichigo made me look outside today & there's a pretty large colony living outside. *shiver*

Time to call the exterminators.
Or if the bees are honey bees, maybe I can call those people who relocate bees to homes that welcome them. (I heard about them on NPR)

PS. I flushed down three bees who were hanging out by my bathroom sink today. Koge's been attacking them, I guess... since I find knocked over bottles & things around my sink. I wish she would clean up after herself.


ardith said...

For some reason, this kinda freaks me out, too.

I wonder if I have a deeply repressed bee phobia. Hm, there are 3 different clinical names for bee phobia. Who knew? (Wikipedia did.)

Unknown said...

I'll take the bees, if I can find some way to transport them. We only have 4 bees in our backyard after having lots. Not great for the garden, y'know.

Shizuki said...

Ards >
I'm kinda getting used to finding dead bees in the bathroom now. There's a bunch more in the balcony... how to clean them out... oy!

Dee >
I contacted a bee relocator. I don't know where they take the bees to, though. If you had a beekeeper hive, I'd ask them to deliver to you.