Friday, May 29, 2009

Driving Back & Forth Type of Day

Todayじゅるる and I headed to the Staples Center for a concert... only to realize that the concert was the night before. Shock!!

It kinda sucked more b/c we had paid $15 to park next to the Nokia Center.

We considered going to a show at the Nokia Center... but it was an Elmo show. Elmo as in the red creature from Sesame Street.

So we decided to head back home to WLA & hang out w/ Sat & Ards, who was visiting for B*tCon.

Then we headed to Torrance & was watching the final Leno show, when Sat called saying she had a fever... so I had じゅるるtake me back. Sat had food poisoning or something. Good thing I picked up Gatorade on the way home.

Oh, we ate mac & cheese for dinner... and the box had a sweepstakes entry information. So I went to the website, and the sweepstakes was over. At 11:59pm EST, and I went to the site around 10pm PST. Missed it by an hour!

It just wasn't our day, overall.

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