Saturday, July 18, 2009

Search for Cheap Furniture

Since the new kitchen doesn't have a lot of cabinet space, we decided we could use a china cabinet near the dining area.

So off to IKEA we go.
After looking at different kinds of furniture we could possibly get, we ended up settling with a... Billy. Gah! I'm a bit upset that we ended up settling w/ a Billy, but it was the most decent size.

Did you know that Billy bookshelves now come in a different size? They still have the 31-inch wide ones (the wide one), but they no longer have the 28-inch one, and now have a 16-inch one. I guess they decided to make it so all the doors can be used for the wide shelf & the half-width shelf. Which makes the 1.5-width one useless. Okay, no one cares this much about Billy bookshelves & the info is taking up too much space in my brain. *delete data*

We also found a computer desk that seems to work nicely as a bedroom table (vanity?). So there's a place to keep our cellphones as they charge at night.

When will we be able to go to K-town to buy a couch?
Yes, yes. After SDCC.

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