Sunday, September 27, 2009

Japan Day 8

Today, we headed over to Yokohama to meet じゅるる's former colleagues.

First, they took us to Itoyokado for some personal shopping.
Mostly my stuff, but じゅるる was able to look at some shoes too. But they didn't have the right size in the color he wanted.

Then they took us to Yokohama's famous Chinatown to have dinner.

It was a course meal... which I didn't take any photos.

We walked around Chinatown afterwards & bought a few souvenirs.
And I wanted to eat some pork bao, so we bought two small ones & one giant one (no photos again). Oh, we also bought a mooncake too.

One of じゅるる's friends drove us back to Ikebukuro.

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