Friday, January 22, 2010

Ards & Sasami Bday Dinner (No Show)

Today, Ards planned a get together for her b-day & Sasami's b-day.
It was at Manna in Culver City...

But じゅるる was stuck in a studio until 8pm, and the dinner started at 8pm... and it would have taken 30-40 mins to drive back to Culver City.

By the time じゅるる got back to the apartment, it was 8:30pm... and I was still feeling sick, so we couldn't leave Burbank until 9:30pm. So I missed the dinner. *shiku shiku*

Not that I could eat BBQ meat... and I can't eat much at an all-you-can-eat place right now... But one day, I'll go. Revenge!

1 comment:

ardith said...

it's okay. <3<3 We missed you guys, though.