Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Shiz Can't Cook Series: Steamed Bread

I've read on Japanese blogs that steamed bread (mushi pan) is really easy to make & it's a great snack for little critters.

The easiest recipes are with pancake mix & microwave, I decided to go w/ the more challenging flour, baking powder & steamer.

But it's still pretty easy.

1/3 cup flour
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1 Tablespoon sugar
50g milk (or soy milk)

And add 1-3 Tablespoons of any flavor you want.

So attempt 1:
Kinako for Popo. Hot cocoa mix for us.

I think it came out good, but Sat & Ichigo said it doesn't have enough flavor. Well, it's for infants... can't make it that sweet, right?

Attempt 2 (no photo):
Carrots & edamame for Popo. Raspberry jam for us.
Popo seems to like the carrot-edamame one. It's easier to carry around than porridge, so it'll be our outdoor snack.
And the raspberry jam was pretty good. I could have put a bit more jam in, or maybe chunks of actual fruit?

Attempt 3 (no photo):
Peanut butter. And chocolate (hot cocoa) and peanut butter.
I added more sugar to these, and it was pretty good. Peanut butter one was a bit dense, though. For the choco-peanut butter, I accidentally dumped a LOT of cocoa... and it came out real yum!

Probably more to come!

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