Thursday, December 1, 2011

Shiz Can't Cook Series: Persimmon Cookies

Somehow Ichigo thought I like to bake cookies or something.
Must be all the cranberry & w choco cookies I've been making.

So she gives me a vague recipe for persimmon cookies saying, "I like them."

Make them yourself!!

But being a better daughter than the pre-kid me (no, not really), I decide to try making persimmon cookies.

First off... the batter came out awfully wet.
Probably too much pureed persimmons.

But not being familiar w/ how baking works, I didn't really want to add more flour or other dry stuff. So I decide to just freeze the dough. That'll make it easier to mold and bake, right?

So I made these long rectangular log.
One w/ walnuts, one w/o nuts.

Froze 'em long enough so I can cut them.
Aw, I don't have any roasting strings. Floss will have to do (bfft!)

And they came out like this:

They don't look so bad.

They're just kinda... chewy.
That's probably the soft batter talking.

I'll try it again w/ more flour.

PS. Ichigo's reaction: "Oh, I like them in mounds."

Make 'em yourself!!

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