Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Sasami's Cookies Delivered

Sasami's been on a baking spree, and she kept a batch especially for me & Sat.

I've been stuck at the office trying to get the 5/28 deadline book out, so I was hinting & begging Dave to deliver the cookies to our office. But I didn't think he'd go for it... Sat would be like "Naw, let her suffer."

So we just kept working... when Courtney said "Someone keeps ringing the doorbell."

Dee & Chris went to look, and it was Sat & Dave.
They brought cookies!

So I passed it around to everyone.

Dennis w/ a cat(?) shaped cookie

Dee w/ a butterfly shaped cookie

Chris w/ a flower shaped cookie

Courtney w/ a cat(?) shaped cookie

Shiz w/ a broken star shaped cookie

Thank you, Sasami!
And thank you, Dave (who drove) & Sat (who felt sorry for Shiz)!


ardith said...

they look so yummy. i hope you guys enjoyed them!

Erika said...

Yes, I hope everyone liked them. It was my first time making such cookies (except for the shortbread, that was the 2nd time).

Shizuki said...

ardith >
They were good & we really needed the sugar boost so we were very happy.

erika >
Sat & I couldn't believe you made the frosting from scratch. But I guess the ones in the cans are too thick for cookies.