Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Shiz Can't Cook Series: Rice-a-Roni

Sat was broiling salmon for dinner last night, so I thought I should make Rice-a-Roni to go with it.

I glanced at the box & it said 2-1/4 cups of water. So I started boiling it & read over the box and it said "brown rice & pasta in skillet first." Damn.

I move the skillet w/ the water away & start a new frying pan. I pour the rice & pasta in & poured olive oil without measuring (the box says 4 tablespoons of margarine, but olive oil is close enough).

Then I walk away from the stove to watch Dancing with the Stars. Less than a few minutes in, Sat yells out "don't you have to stir this around?" I walk over couple minutes later, and half of the pasta was burnt. Damn.

But that doesn't stop me! I poured the rice & half-burnt pasta into the other skillet with the 2-1/4 cups of water, and move that skillet over the fire. Dump in 4/5 of the seasoning packet (it's too salty otherwise). And let the water boil away.

The Rice-a-Roni had a burnt flavor, but it wasn't something you couldn't eat. So I plated it, put broiled salmon on top & continued to work.

Sat wanted a bite, so I told her that it has a burnt flavor & she probably wouldn't like it. She didn't.

But, but, but... I'm not the only bad cook in the house.

Ichigo came by later at night to drop off things, pick up laundr... never mind that. She started making something, but she must have messed up, because she said 「美味しくないわ~。イカを入れたのが良くなかったのかしら?」. I looked & it looked like シチュー. Sat said it's supposed to be clam chowder, but we're not going to touch it. Maybe the boys will eat it.

1 comment:

Jyun said...
