Friday, June 27, 2008

Ear Infection

My ear's been hurting since Tuesday, so I went to the doctor today to get it checked out.

I had a hard time getting the appointment, but reception lady squeezed me in. So I stopped by Amandine bakery to buy four cakes to give to Dr ウ and his staff.

Dr ウchecked my ear.

He said I need to take antibiotics and get ear drops. So he goes looking for sample medicine, and hands me a bottle & packs of pills. He said he only had 4 antibiotics, so I had to go buy the last pill.

I went to the pharmacy to pick up the last pill. Although at that point, I should have thought "screw the last pill" because I ended up paying for the flat rate non-generic prescription fee for ONE PILL! I have other antibiotics at home... I could have just taken one of those. Sheesh!

At the pharmacy, I noticed the bottle Dr ウ gave me said NASAL SPRAY.

Didn't he say ear drops?
Don't I have an infection in my ear?

Maybe it's because the nose is connected to the ear. Or so I tried to convince myself. Or maybe he gave me the wrong sample. I guess I'll have to look up the medicine name to see what it's for. Where is Duckie when you need him?

So here is the nasal spray & antibiotic sample I got from Dr ウ

I also picked up a bottle of vitamins, thinking I should start taking care of my body.

50 caplets, so it should be all gone in 2 months.
Let's see how long this "take care of my body" resolution lasts.
But for now, the caplets are berry flavored and sweet like candy. Yum!

PS. After using the nasal spray, there's a lot of mucus going down my throat. One, two three... Ewww!


ardith said...

poor shiz. ear infection! that sucks! too bad dr. didn't have that last pill. ;_;

ardith said...

Wait, isn't the Veramist a allergy thing?