Saturday, June 28, 2008

New Ralphs Card

じゅるるand I went to Ralphs, and we were greeted by a young woman at a table. She asked if we wanted to sign up for the new Ralphs card.

It seems like Ralphs is getting rid of the old card system, and starting a new one. It's the same Ralphs Club savings, plus you get points for shopping there. And something about getting a gift certificate when you accrue points.

So I looked it up.
It's $1 = 1 point. 500 points = $5 gift certificate. $5 for spending $500... not so bad.

They have four different colors to choose from.

じゅるるpicked pink, because it'll stand out.
He gave me the spare key ring card, but I told him Sat would want me to use her card b/c she'll want the gift certificate. I guess they could fight over my purchase points.

PS. They were giving away cookies, candy bars & water, but we didn't take any. I should have taken the bottle of water...

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