Sunday, June 8, 2008

Helping Ichigo Move

I went over to Ichigo's place w/ Dee to help her move.

But before we get to her move, this is her reaction to the Belmont Stakes from yesterday.

Later Ichigo mentioned that you can buy $1 bets for the Belmont race, so she should have bought it for the other horses. $1 would have turned into $45, although I doubt that would have made her break even.

Anyway, back at Ichigo's place...
She had moved most of the big things with 板前 S-san, like the bed, dresser, desk & sofa. Which didn't leave a lot of things for Dee to do, but we helped her move some of the furniture around & take some of the small-but-heavy items. Like drawers full of kimono & photo albums.

The new apartment is much smaller & a lot of Ichigo's old furniture won't fit. So we decided to toss out the desk, and she's giving the dining table to a family on the first floor.

There's a lot of stuff from Sat's HS days, so we'll have to figure out what things to take to Westwood & what to toss out.

A bunch of photo albums came pouring out from Ichigo's room, so Dee & I spent the last hour looking through them and laughing at the early 90s hair & clothes. And photos of skinny Vu. And when Bert had hair. And when Shiz was a boy.
Shiz (age 10), as a boy

Photos are being uploaded to my Flickr account (need to be a friend to view).

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