Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Old Lady in the Office

It's been pretty cool at the office, with a breeze coming in from the front entrance (we keep our doors open because we don't believe in using the A/C).

But it's a little too chilly for an old lady like me.
And the cut where the lump was removed from hurts when it gets too chilly.

I was in a bit of pain yesterday, so I came to work wearing a magnetic belt.
It's something Ichigo lent me, and it's supposed to keep the area warm using magnets & blood circulation or something.

At first I wanted to hide the ugly beige belt, so I came into work with a jacket on. Then I changed into the red ハンテン I leave in the office. But it got a little warm.

And who do I have to impress at the office anyway?

So I wore the magnetic belt in full view.



Anonymous said...

During dinner at Hop Woo when you used your scarf as a 腹巻き I thought, おばさんっぽい事してる. At least with the magnetic belt, it makes your boobs look big. >.>

Shizuki said...

kappatekka >
I figured the scarf would be OK if I didn't stand up... and then I stood up to order the "to go" food. がーん!