Monday, January 26, 2009

Allergy Diagnosys

So I went to the doctor's today.
My coughing got so bad the previous night that I had to sleep propped up with my back against the headboard w/ cushion.

Anyhoo, when I got there... the doctor's assistant told me that the doc had an injured back. So I was shuffled into the check up room to be weighed, temperatured and blood pressured... then to his office so he can hear what symptoms I had... then back into the room to wear a piece of cloth... only to have him say he wasn't gonna Xray me because my breathing was clear.

So I'm going to be on a 4-drug cocktail until my coughing goes away.
And I was told to go back in one month.

Let's hope everything gets better before the 30 days comes up.

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