Tuesday, January 27, 2009

New Box in the House

Sat's been waiting all day for the UPS man.

Around noon, there was a knock on our gate.
Sat ran to the door, but it was Dee. (He came by to help me go to storage)

Then I came back from storage around 2pm to take Zyrtec before going to Prince K's house.Sat thought it was the UPS guy. I thought he had already come by.

Then I came back around 5pm. Sat was once again disappointed that it wasn't the UPS guy.

But he still came. Around 6:30pm or so. I guess it was a busy day.

And what did he deliver?
Um... a game console I thought we'd never own. I have no idea why she got it... but to play Left 4 Dead? Please friend her on XBox Live (or whatever you do).

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