Friday, January 23, 2009

Made a Dr. Appointment for Cough

I decided that I've been coughing too long, so I made an appointment to see a doctor. Plus I should fix myself before my insurance runs out, right?

I encountered Kurosaki again tonight. Took Zyrtec (generic) today, and it was probably working better... but my throat is already really messed up & so the coughing continued. Even cough drops aren't helping anymore.

I hope I don't get a hairline fracture on my rib like Ards did.
Or was that a myth?


ardith said...

>> Rib

>> Foot
Hairline fracture

>> Nose
Scar from when the trunk of my car tried to crush me....

I know, it's hard to keep my injuries straight. ^_^;;

ardith said...

Get better soon! Coughs are hard on your body.