Saturday, June 13, 2009

Passport Photo, Check

I went to the Rodium in the morning b/c the ORG girls were there.
I bought what the young guy called orange flavored muffins, which were a little hard, little dry and not very orange-y. Six for $2.50, so it was okay...

I also bought a scarf for the summer time. It has a bunch of cartoony skulls on them. I hope I can match it to my clothes... but I never really match anyway.

Oh, I made two trips from my car to the Rodium... so I racked up a lot of steps before noon. Fufufu... my calves hurt.

Then じゅるるtook me to CVS to get my passport photos taken.
$7.99 minus $2 bonus bucks, so around $6.50 in the end. Pretty cheap.

The photos?
I was shocked that my face was really round looking. And じゅるるwas surprised that I didn't think my face was round... -__-

My passport expires in August, so I need to hurry up and get it renewed.

The rest of the day was spent running errands.
I'm pooped.

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