Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Bday Gifts Arrive, Updated Other Wish List

I got three packages in the mail today.

One is from America's Test Kitchen.
Season 9 DVD and book came. I never know what to do w/ the book, and I used to give it to Dee's mom... but maybe I'll keep this one & try making some of the stuff on the show.

The other two packages were from Amazon, courtesy of Ards & Sasami.
Of course I didn't think the bigger box was from Amazon & assumed it was our new DSL modem. So I opened up the package from Sasami thinking... Ards got me a DVD? Sat said she mentioned something about a knife.

Sasami got me Bolt ^__^
You know, the animated movie by D*sney about an actor dog? I liked the commercial, but never got around to seeing it. Was it released for a long time?

The other box from Ards contained the upside-down tomato planter and cupcake molds. Yay!

Sat said to take the planter to the apartment... but we don't have a balcony or patio. I guess I'll keep it on my bedroom side of the balcony at the condo.

Cupcake molds are nice, since they're stack-able (= compact). And I kinda wanted to make muffins for breakfast or snacking. Cuz I'm home all the time these days... for times when I don't feel like cooking. Which is always.

Anyhoo, Bolt was in my getting-hitched registry, so I had to update the list. I had to take off Planet Earth too, since じゅるるgot it for me. What DVDs to add to the registry!? (What? You're not supposed to have DVDs or entertainment stuff? I included a PS3 and Wiimote...)

BTW, here's the registry.
We've been working on adding things... but there aren't a lot of things we want or need. So some are to replace old ones じゅるるhas, or things I have to leave behind. Like the Magic Bullet.


Smurfette said...

i really need to get married. such great things one can get. Roomba!

Erika said...

Oops, I got it from the wrong registry? I guess your gift for the getting hitched one will be from your bday registry, lol.