Saturday, January 16, 2010

Shiz Can't Cook Series: Mushroom Ume Soup Pasta

I found a recipe online for mushroom ume-soup pasta, so I decided to make it.

Well, じゅるる was feeling sick.
So I figured I should make dinner, you know?
Cuz he makes it all the time, you know?

And there was a lot of mushrooms at Koge Haus.

So the recipe calls for this:
1. Boil pasta, but keep it half done.
It'll continue to cook in the soup portion that'll be made in steps 2-4.

2. Meanwhile, pan fry mushrooms in butter.
It doesn't seem to matter what mushrooms to use, so I used giant oyster mushrooms, shimeji(?), and enoki. I tossed in enoki last, b/c I figured it'll cook faster than the other mushrooms.

3. Once the mushrooms are done, pour in a can of chicken broth.
Add half a teaspoon of soy sauce & mirin.
I messed up on this part. The recipe calls for 1/2 a teaspoon for every serving... and well, we were making 2-3 servings.

4. Toss in umeboshi that's been seeded & chopped up.
It's about 2-3 umeboshi for every serving. Since じゅるる doesn't like umeboshi, I only used 3 umeboshi, but I personally would have liked a bit more in there.

5. Toss in the half boiled pasta & let the pasta soak up the chicken broth soup.


We sprinkled nori on top.
I believe you can add garlic, but I can't handle garlic right now...

It doesn't have a lot of color, so I guess you can add greens too. Like spinach or green onions or parsley.

Came out pretty decently... but like I said, it wasn't salty enough.
But once the pasta soaked up more of the soup, it was a little bit better. Maybe I needed to let it sit for another 5-10 minutes.

Next time, more umeboshi.
Just for me.

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