Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Roomba Adventures: Stuck Under TV

Ards & Sasami gave us a Roomba from our registry.
Thank you, girls!

We finally set it up earlier this year, and it's set up to run on Monday mornings.

Today, we noticed that the Roomba (we haven't given it a name yet... any ideas?) wasn't in the charging dock.

Last week, it got stuck behind the couch.
Got tangled on the power cord of the electric screwdriver that was plugged into the wall.

So we look around the room... calling out "Roomba"... although it's not gonna answer.

But we couldn't find it anywhere.

Until I look under the TV stand.
And there it was... stuck.

I guess there's a piece on the Roomba that sticks out & it doesn't fit under the TV stand. Although it was able to get under w/ the piece to get stuck down there...

Well, it needs time to learn the area.
Although we're planning to move it upstairs, since I don't want to carry the regular vacuum cleaner upstairs.

じゅるる (who reads manuals) said the Roomba can talk too.
In multiple languages.
But we haven't figured it out yet.

More Roomba adventures to come...?


ardith said...

It probably didn't answer back because it wants a real name! And also a costume.


Unknown said...

I think Roombama is a good name.