Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Oven Progress: Week 39

Since I've been getting emails & messages, and I've been bad at responding to everyone... here's an update about Popo (week 39).

I had slightly painful contractions for a little under an hour on Saturday night. So I thought I'm about to pop the sucker out any minute, but noooooooothing happened on Saturday. Or Monday. Or today (Tuesday).

So we're on standby.

I have another appointment tomorrow, so we'll see how it goes.

I don't think we're hitting the target date of the 18th, tho.

1 comment:

Smurfette said...

i had a friend who, under the threat of c-section, walked the Berkeley Memorial stadium AND drank castor oil (yuck!). I hope the baby comes out on time! Though they do say only 4% arrives on the due date.