Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Shiz Can't Cook Series: Corned Beef & Cabbage

Last week, I bought a package of corned beef brisket cuz it was on sale at Ralphs.

I've been wanting to make corned beef & cabbage w/ the slow cooker... and St Patty's Day is coming up... so perfect, eh?

I bought the smallest packet of meat.
2.5 lbs.

Cuz it's only the two of us eating... unless Sat wants some, but she never seems to like anything I make.

I didn't know how long you need to cook it, so I looked up recipes online. One recipe said 8 hours for a 4 lbs chunk of meat. Also suggested adding potatoes & carrots. Ooh, that's a good idea!

So the meat went in first (around 1pm).
And I put mini red potatoes and carrots in around 5pm.
And cabbage around 7pm.

Our dinner is always 8pm or so, b/c じゅるる comes home around that time. Altho we're not always hungry around then, cuz I snack all day (usually around 6pm), and じゅるる also eats his lunch leftover in the afternoon too (usually the last 1/4 of a Subway sandwich).

Aside from the meat & veggies, I only put in water... which I was skeptical about. But it came out delicious!

I think I could eat this pretty regularly.
I wonder if corned beef briskets are available all year round... or if it's only a St Patty's season thing.

1 comment:

MidnightHunnyRun said...

I'm glad it turned out well. You should be able to get corned beef brisket year round.

The word verification was "morni." As in "Good morni... AAAAHH!"