Monday, March 1, 2010

Slow Cooker Cookbook (Borrowed)

Dee came by today with a cookbook in one hand & crutches in both armpits.

He (his mom) is letting me borrow the cookbook b/c I wanted to try more recipes w/ the slow cooker. It has lots of photos... and some of the recipes look difficult... but there are plenty of yumminess I want to try. Now it's all about figuring out what some of the ingredients are (skip those! says Dee).

As for the crutches... something about his ankle area hurting.
Maybe broken, maybe sprained, maybe nothing at all.

Well, it's good to stay off the painful foot anyway. If it's broken, you don't want to move it around too much and have to wear a cast for longer than 6 weeks.

Speaking of which... my ankle has turned into a rain-sensor.
It gets ache-y whenever rain is approaching. Handy little sucker...

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