Thursday, May 6, 2010

Poor Planning

I was in Santa Monica today for my 6-week follow up appointment.

And Nay's in a hospital in SM right now... and I should have thought to arrange to visit them, since I was in the area (like 4 blocks away).

But I've been really bad about pre-planning & muti-tasking & all the stuff I thought I was good at.

Is it b/c I haven't been working in a busy environment for the last year and a half?

...or is it from the bump hormones?

...or lack of sleep w/ Popo?

Well, I thought Nay might be further along... since I was put on Pitocin after 12 hours & in serious pain by hour 15.

But it's still poor planning on my part.
We could have dropped off lunch for Jams. *sigh*

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