Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Thinking About an iPad

I was thinking... maybe I should get an iPad.

I'm okay w/ the Vaio for work related stuff.
I mean, I only use email, Word & Excel (occasional PowerPoint). Altho it would be nice to use PhotoSh*p, I'd only use it 2-3 times a year.

But the Vaio can't handle FB games. Or Hulu. Or iTunes.

iTunes is a new concept for my life.
I don't listen to music, b/c I'm okay w/ any noise to keep me company. So most of the time it's the TV. But Popo likes music, and I thought iTunes would be handy. Of course I've never used iTunes, so I hope I can figure it out.

Oh, and a computer for storing all my photos would be nice. And be able to share it w/ じゅるる.

And I'm guessing an iPad is easy to use.
So I don't have to call Vu up every time something happens to any of the computers lying about the house.

Or I could be happy w/ having something like Sat's blue Dell.
Would that be cheaper than an iPad?


ardith said...

the ipad won't play a lot of fb games since they're flash based, though

Smurfette said...

the iPad will be good for you but the ipHone will be even better once Popo gets older and you need her to be quiet when you guys go out to eat. The iPhone + youtube has been a life saver many times in the last few months for us.

And be prepared for grimy hands on the nice iPad once she gets old enough to want to know what you're doing!