Thursday, December 30, 2010

New Glasses

I finally got my butt to an eye doctor.

I thought my eyes have gotten worse b/c I was crocheting in a dimly lit room in Burbank last winter. Plus I was running low on contacts (one left, not even a pair). And they are disposables, but I hadn't changed in a long time. Like six months? And my glasses have been broken for over two years.

After the exam, the doc said my prescription hasn't changed.

After all the abuse my eyes have gone through, I was sure they were going bad.

I got a new pair of contacts. Whee!
I'll have to go order more from C*stco next week.

I also got new glasses.
They kinda look like Sat's glasses. Red hue, metallic, but rounded corners. They'll be arriving in two weeks, so maybe I can post a new profile photo on FB.

Next appointments are dentist & ob/gyn.
But that'll be next year.

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