Monday, February 7, 2011

Violent Stomach Flu

So after spending a whole week as a virtual single parent & surviving Popo's first fever w/ the help of Ichigo... I caught the virus.

And I guess it was a stomach flu, because it caused me to puke very very violently. I think it scared じゅるる a bit & he was ready to drive me to the ER.

Saturday 3:00pm
It started out as an upset stomach.
Kinda like a heartburn. Where you feel like you ate too much oily food. I did have Carl's Jr for lunch (chicken burger & shared chili cheese fries w/ じゅるる).

Over the next three hours, I get progressively nauseous until...

First bout of puke. And then a few more times until midnight. Everything I ate or drank came right out.

Sunday midnight
It gets runny on the other end. But the nausea continues, so I'm holding onto a baby pail I got from the hospital in case I hurl as I sit in the restroom.

I think before all this, my stomach hurt a LOT. But you can't take painkillers on an empty stomach. What to do!? Heating pad helped... only a little.

During all the pain, I was thinking how if I never got an epidural, this pain would probably feel like nothing. I only reached the tip of the unbearable pain last March, so I don't know real pain... and so I think a pain from a stomach flu is pain level 8. Weak!

Finally able to go to sleep. Before that, I would be able to take short naps of 20mins until it got too painful & I wake up running to the bathroom.

Oh, to keep my loved ones from having to stay up with me, I slept by myself downstairs. With the comfort of the heating pad. And Season 1 of Brothers & Sisters (thanks Netfl*x).

Everything is drained out of me, but I have no apetite. じゅるる offers to go get popsicles. That made me really really happy.

And I spend the rest of the day sucking on popsicles. Hungry, but don't want to eat feeling. And secretly thinking, if the fever/flu lasts couple of days, I may lose a significant amount of weight. But even more back of my mind thinking how じゅるる can't take anymore days off b/c he took a whole week off last week.

Fever starts. Around 101 degrees. Ah, just like Popo.

So we missed Ards' Super Bowl party.
We didn't even bother watching it at home. We ended up watching the rest of Brothers & Sisters Season 1. Gosh, it's much more tense than Parenthood could ever be. My heart can only handle Parenthood level of tenseness, yo.

Fever starts going down, but now headache is starting. Still can't take painkiller b/c of empty stomach. Yikes.

I was able to eat a modest amount of food by the evening & by the time we went to bed, I was feeling good enough to let go of the heating pad & ice pack.

Lasted about 18 hours.
It was a violent and quick stomach flu.

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