Saturday, August 16, 2008

Breakfast at McD

I went to eat breakfast at McD's today.

I wanted to eat pancakes after watching Food Network's "Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives" and the Bisquick add-water-and-shake bottle commercial. じゅるるsaid there's an IHOP nearby too, but I opted for McD's because it's cheaper.

We got the deluxe breakfast platter.

The milk had Star Wars characters on it. I guess they're promoting the Clone Wars movie. I haven't had non-lactose free milk in a long time, and it made me a bit burp-y. Stick to the lactose-free milk, Shiz...

After I got back, Sat said she went to McD's for breakfast w/ Dave too. We're connected! But Sat didn't like that for some reason.

Oh, Dave didn't get a hash brown for his deluxe breakfast.
"I got ripped!" he said.

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