Sunday, August 3, 2008

Empire Strikes Back Virgin

I think every boyfriend I had since high school has tried to get me to watch Star Wars, starting w/ Erikku when he brought over three VHS tapes.

So I've watched bits of Star Wars trilogy over these years, but I don't know the whole story. I think I've seen most of the original movie... that's the one where the little tin robot has a hologram of the princess... and they go through a sewer to escape... fly through some mechanical cavern-like thing & blow up the Death Star... and get medals at the very end, right?

And I've seen bits of the second and third movie. Like cutting open a creature to survive the winter. And little furry munchkins fighting in the trees. And Luke's hand getting cut off.

Once again, the thing about never really watching Star Wars came up again at じゅるる's brother's place. I mean, I have my reasons.

1. I wasn't in the country when the first movie came out.
2. Girls just didn't watch movies like that.
3. Immigrant parents don't take kids to movies they don't understand themselves.

I did mention that I went to see the "first" movie on opening day. In Westwood. With crazy kids in costumes. I didn't watch the second movie because I was in NY for work that weekend... but I did see the third. But apparently those don't really count.

ゆーちゃん handed a box of the first three movies, and demanded I watch the second movie.

So I watched it today. I've seen the icy planet sequence many times. I think that's sequence is the problem. It's slow & boring, and I gave up before it got a little more interesting.

So things I learned from watching Empire Strikes Back today.
1. Yoda shows up for the first time in this movie. I didn't know (and leave me alone!).
He kinda looks puppet-ish in the first half of his scenes, but gets better later on. He sounds like a mix of Kermit & Miss Piggy. And I wanted to trim the free-flowing hair on top of his head.

2. Boba Fet(?) is a bounty hunter hired by Darth Vader. I didn't know that either. And he talks! I still don't know why he's popular, so I guess I have to watch the third one.

3. I finally found out who Lando (warehouse staff) was named after. He's a black guy who's bad and good.

4. Princess Leia is an おばさん princess. She doesn't look the same age as Luke... but how old are they supposed to be?

I could just hear Ards screaming things as I watched.
"Don't kiss him, he's your brother!"
"He's a jerk! Don't fall in love with him!"

I guess I'll have to watch the third movie too. I do remember the scene when Darth Vader dies. Isn't that all I need to know?


Erika said...

I don't think you being in the country or not when the first movie came out really matters. It was back in 1977. :P I think a better defense would have been you were too young.

Carrie Fisher (1956) is younger than Mark Hamill (1951) by 5 years. They were probably around 22/23 and 27/28 during the time of the filming. I think maybe being Asians we're in an age distortion field. :x

Now go, watch the last movie. It's so good...

Unknown said...

Great! Now I can double the number of Star Wars references for Dennis' scavenger hunt.

Shizuki said...

erika >
Let me recover from watching the second movie before tackling the third. The next one is with the furry munchkins, right?

Dee >
What's to say everyone else has seen Star Wars? There could be others who haven't seen them...