Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Dee's Cat Fight Scar

Dee came over to eat yakiniku.
Good thing, since the Korean meat that Ichigo brought over was gonna go bad.

After dinner, Dee was teasing Koge by making her stand on her hind legs... and then she made a weird noise (I didn't hear it) and bit Dee in the nose. She drew some blood.

That's what you get for picking on Koge.

PS. Meat was good. And we bought more of the not-so-yummy organic tofu from Trader Joe's because it tastes pretty good grilled.


Unknown said...

I totally deserved that. And it was totally worth it - to hear her make that weird noise and to be the first to be bitten on the nose by her. I am honored.

ardith said...

This story made me laugh out loud.

The image that sprung in my head was so freaking funny.

I bet you totally deserved it, Dietrich. For being mean to Koge. She totally holds a grudge.

mashu said...

have you guys tried "cat spanking"? do a youtube search for it - seems like the cats really love it... am interested to see if all cats respond to it the same way :)

ardith said...

I saw that cat spanking thing. That stuff ain't right.

Are the Yamashitas going to try it?