Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Last Day at Work... Not Really

Today was my last day at work.
It was a pretty hectic day because we had to do sooooooo much before the day was over. Like tossing out all the trash from under the staircase... and all the books and DVDs... and other trash that's been compiling all these years.

Oh, Dee and Den had to make two trips to downtown LA to deliver furniture & stuff too. They had to get up real early... and I got up late, around 9:15... so by the time I got to work, they were already back from their first trip. Whoops.

Anyhoo, I still had tons to invoice... and tons to write checks for... and calculate everyone's last pay check. By the time I realized it, it was already 5:00pm!

Oh, we had El Pollo Loco for lunch. So sad, b/c we called up two restaurants and they were closed. We were so hungry we just settled for Loco.

And I ended up working til 9:30pm... and I'm still not done, and the office isn't empty yet... so I'll probably go back tomorrow. And Friday. And Saturday. And Sunday. There goes my Christmas weekend (not that I had plans).

PS. I played We Cheer for the second time. I can't pass the single star songs at all. I finally passed my first song with the Choo Choo Train song. It's too hard. Maybe I'm moving my arms too much. I'm going to be sore tomorrow...

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