Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Xmas Gift from Ards, Final Corp Dinner

I received a package from Amazon.com yesterday, but I forgot to take it home.
I know who this one is from, since Ards already told me her gift was arriving on Monday.

My gift to Ards?
Uh, the check is in the mail...
Dammit, I don't have time to go Christmas shopping!

What? I got Steph's gift two months ago?
Well, she's easy to shop for... since she doesn't have anything in her house! I got her a collapsible colander, b/c I saw it on sale at Albertson's. Whoops, now she knows.

Even though I refuse to go Christmas shopping, I did have to go to Target today.
To get staff holiday presents.

You know... going to Target sucks during the holiday season. Going anywhere to shop sucks. But I fought the crowd and bought gift cards. Prince K wanted to get nice pens or something that's keepsake-y, but I don't have time to go shopping!

Anyhoo, we had our final corp dinner tonight.
I sent out emails to people 3 hours before the dinner, so I was surprised one non-employee showed up. Tee hee. We'll have another farewell dinner in February.

Nevermind that I got home at 1:30am and I wrote emails until 4:00am and writing this blog entry at 4:30am and I have to be at the office at 9:00am.

I hope to sleep in on Christmas day.

PS. Dee's mom gave me a Tupperware full of freshly baked cookies. I LOVE her chocolate chip cookies. Full of nuts. Yum! It's one thing I refuse to share with anyone. I'm so stingy... Bah humbug!

1 comment:

ardith said...

haha. I only got you a gift. Everyone else is going to wait until after the New Year.

Hope you liked it. ^_^