Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Working at a Geeky Event This Weekend

Well, I always work at a geeky event.

But I wanted to check out the FF event, so I askedじゅるる to get me in. I offered my services for free, just for the opportunity to see what it's like. And I didn't want to pay for the ticket either (I don't play the game).

じゅるる talked to people & I got the OK to work. Yay!

So I'll point fingers at Sasami & her online friends and laugh at them. No, I won't do anything that mean. But I'll convince them to buy stuff. Oh, they don't need any convincing to fork up money. Damn, this is a nice business!

Looks like I'm working the stage area. I hope I don't have to translate on stage... cuz I sure don't know any terminology.

Sat & friends are planning a trip down to Anaheim to go to Knott's this weekend. It's the Toys for Tots drive. I won't be going with them, unfortunately. I hope everyone has their $10 gift. If not, they should be stopping by my work to pick up some stuff.

1 comment:

Erika said...

That's okay. You can just say random stuff as long as the words, "We banned 800 RMT accounts." is mixed in there somewhere you'll be fine. :D