Friday, January 16, 2009

Coughing Too Hard

I went over to Prince K's place, and was attacked by Kurosaki allergens again.
I was coughing all evening even though I took Claritin. I think it's time to get Zyrtec now, cuz Claritin sure isn't working.

Anyhoo, my coughing got so bad... I was sent home early (if you call 11pm early).

And probably the cold air outside didn't help, b/c my coughing got worse when I got in the car. And I coughed too hard that I puked up all the water I drank to clear my throat all night long.

Oh, what to do when you puke while driving...
Good thing I had Tupperware and a plastic bottle in the car.

One. Two. Three.

Well, it's probably better than having to swallow... which I had to do a long time ago (okay, that warrants another EWWW!).

I puked about four times in the car.
I wobbled into my house, went straight for the bathroom and puked out real food into the toilet. After 2-3 times, I felt much better.

Gosh, it sucks to cough so hard.

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