Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Shiz Can't Cook Series: Al Dente Pasta Gets Over-Cooked

So I attempted to make mushroom spaghetti, 和風-style.

Of course I didn't look at online recipes before I went shopping, so I didn't know most Japanese recipes use bacon. But I was watching Everyday Italian on Food Network and Giada made pasta w/ mushrooms and artichoke, so I thought of making that... but flavor it with soy sauce.

They sell Rachel Ray olive oil -- EVOO.
I used to think that term was lame... until I heard myself say EVOO in my head when I was making pasta a while back. Ack! She's invading my brain!

After I got back from the market, I looked up recipes.
Sounds pretty simple.
"Save a little pasta water to mix the toppings," got it.

I had everything timed to whenじゅるる was coming home.
He gets off at 10:30, it takes about 10-15 mins to come back.

Mushrooms & artichoke... done at 10:30.
Turnip leaves (side dish)... done at 10:35.
Pasta... done at 10:45.

Time to mix in the mushrooms & artichoke topping to the pasta!
Mix, mix, mix. Add soy sauce. Taste. Add more soy sauce. Add pasta water. Mix, mix.

Time... 10:55.
じゅるる still not home.

So the pasta that was little harder than al dente (also suggested by the recipe)... came out awfully soft.

じゅるる came home w/ drinking water & garlic bread. Cuz he had promised to bring back garlic bread from lunch, but it was all gone.

Thanks honey, but the pasta is super soft...

Oh, but the garlic bread was delicious.

I already ate half the pasta & took a bite out of the garlic bread when I realized I didn't take a photo of the finished plate.

I will attempt this again!

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