Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Cast Free, but Not Fixed Yet

I went to the doctor's office to have my cast removed.
They also X-ray'd my foot to make sure everything was okay.

So now I'm cast-free.
But for the next week or two, I'm only supposed to walk in 10-15 min intervals. So much for getting my daily exercise. Boo!

After the doc appointment, we went to Target to buy Koge's food. So I walked around the store for 30 mins... then we went to eat dinner w/ じゅるる's co-worker & stayed at the restaurant for 3 hours.

By then, my left foot was really swollen.

The foot is actually darker in real life, so my foot looks like an elephant's foot.

The swelling is supposed to continue for the next several weeks.
I don't think I can wear regular shoes for a while... Thank goodness for Crocs.

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