Saturday, April 24, 2010

Dim Sum & Tokyo Table

We went to dim sum today b/c Ards told us that Nay wanted to go before she was on home confinement.

Yes, that's a very good plan.
How come no one told me to do that too... Oh, my heartburn made it impossible for me to eat anything. Great.

Altho with a little critter, you really can't eat much.
Plus the pork spare ribs never came around! Or the shumai! And Sat ate all the tripe by herself!

After dim sum, Nay, Jay & Ards headed to the Grilled Cheese Sandwich Invitational event.

The rest of us headed to Bin Bin Konjac for drinks.
It seems like the ownership changed, but it's the same good drinks. Only the point card is different... and they have a buy 2 get 1 free deal, which is nice since there were three of us.

At night, we went out to Irvine b/c じゅるる's college friend was in town.

We were looking for places to go that would be OK for Popo to tag along... we looked up Tokyo Table on Yelp. Seemed like it's similar to the BevHills one, but is it actually crowded? Cuz the BH one was empty. All the time. Which is why we liked going there.

Yelp wasn't helpful (only that it's too expensive [for college kids] & meh food [if you're looking for 'authentic' Japanese food]), so I tried asking on FB. But no one responded. Either I have no friends in the Irvine vicinity, or I have too few friends, or none of my friends go out...

We gave it a try anyway, and it was fine for Popo.
Maybe a little too cold.

Food was fine. It's the same fusion stuff as the BH one, but they had an expanded menu. We tried the chirashi-sushi pizza, which was like the original sushi pizza but w/ tuna & salmon. I liked the original, so the new one was good too. We got the usual for everything else (tofu salad, karaage, Philly roll), altho we tried the Hawaiian roll (crab + pineapple).

Oh, they no longer have the gyoza (not that it was good anyway), but they had stick gyoza. Didn't try it, tho. Maybe next time I'm in the area... and I'm not the one paying (which is the only way I do Tokyo Table).

Lots of outing in one day, for someone who's been on home confinement for a month. But it was exhausting fun.

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