Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Living Few Doors Down

Today we finalized the paperwork for our new living quarters.

Will pick up the keys around July 15, and the movers will take the Torrance stuff to the new place around that weekend.

The new place?
Um... it's four buildings down.

I might have separation issues.
I'd hate to stay at an apartment alone... and I'll miss Koge. (The new place doesn't allow pets)

I wonder if we can share wireless internet somehow?

PS. The new place doesn't have a fridge, so I went to Best Buy & Sears to check out prices. The one at Best Buy was thin & lean & modern looking... but the Sears one was $90 cheaper, so we went w/ the Sears one. It's okay... we'll only use it for 2-3 years anyway, right?

Monday, June 29, 2009

Tying the Knot

So a year shy of being 35, I decided to tie the knot.

Oh, it's a two-person ordeal, so tie one end of the knot.

And we're taking the speed route.
Started telling people from late May, non-ceremony in August. And somewhere in between, apply for a marriage license & find new housing.

No ceremony, but we'll host a party sometime in late August for friends & colleagues.

Currently adding stuff to the Amazon wish list... but there aren't a lot of things 30-somethings need to buy for their new adobe (or abode...)

More details to come later.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Passport Photo, Check

I went to the Rodium in the morning b/c the ORG girls were there.
I bought what the young guy called orange flavored muffins, which were a little hard, little dry and not very orange-y. Six for $2.50, so it was okay...

I also bought a scarf for the summer time. It has a bunch of cartoony skulls on them. I hope I can match it to my clothes... but I never really match anyway.

Oh, I made two trips from my car to the Rodium... so I racked up a lot of steps before noon. Fufufu... my calves hurt.

Then じゅるるtook me to CVS to get my passport photos taken.
$7.99 minus $2 bonus bucks, so around $6.50 in the end. Pretty cheap.

The photos?
I was shocked that my face was really round looking. And じゅるるwas surprised that I didn't think my face was round... -__-

My passport expires in August, so I need to hurry up and get it renewed.

The rest of the day was spent running errands.
I'm pooped.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Lots Planned but Did Nothing Day

Today, I had a full calendar.

Sat & I were planning to go to the Bonnie Hunt taping because Shamar Moore was scheduled as a guest for Friday. We didn't have tickets, but we thought we could get in line for the stand-bys. Not that we knew what time the line started, but we thought 10am would be a good time.

But we didn't end up going.
I was sleepy anyway.

Then we were supposed to have an HOA meeting, which got pushed back to next week.

And I had a dinner appointment w/ T-san from store AJ, but it was canceled b/c people were too tired flying in from overseas.

So I ended up sitting at home all day.
I feel like the Stuff Unemployed People Like... blog.

But for some reason, I hit 3000 steps today. How!?

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Walking Like a Deer

I asked じゅるるto take the DS to work, so I can go over during lunch & synch my data from the last two days.

Unfortunately the Personal Trainer: Walking game keeps track of multiple days worth of walking data, but it won't analyze anything older than "yesterday." So I was unrated for Monday. I'll have to figure out a way to synch up regularly.

First day (which doesn't count b/c we started around 6pm), we were both Night Owls. I walked around Little Tokyo on Sunday, so I got a Daytime Sheep. Walked some, but not a whole lot?

Then Monday & Tuesday were slow lazy days.
Tuesday started out late b/c I didn't get off the couch until noon... and it labeled me a Daytime Panda. When I told Sat, she burst out laughing. The DS isn't talking about my body shape!

But I got mucho steps today.
I walked a lot near じゅるる's work & then Sat dragged me to go walking (she walks every day) at Culver City HS.

I walked 6 laps around the track... which I thought is a mile.
But Sat says 4 laps is a mile. Is that why it took longer than 30 mins to finish 6 laps? I thought I could walk a little over a mile in 30 mins... at least on the treadmill.

Anyway, I ended up w/ over 11,000 steps today. Woot!
But my knee, thighs, calves and elbows hurt. Elbows were the first to start hurting while I was walking. Arm swinging is hard work.

I got labeled as a Daytime Deer today. Yay!

Monday, June 8, 2009

DS Pedometer

I bought the Personal Trainer: Walking game(?) on the DS.

Sat bought a pedometer on Amazon a few weeks back & she said she's been walking more since she started. Like parking far away & walking the extra 10 feet. Or making a round-about route from the garage to our house.

So I thought if it's a game-style pedometer, I'd be motivated to walk.
I've been wanting to get out of the just sitting on the couch in front of my laptop all day long type of life. So unhealthy!

じゅるる has the black "activity meter" and I have the white one.
The competition is on!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

FF7AC Viewing Party

じゅるるgot a copy of FF7AC on BluRay, so we had a viewing party.

Dee was the only one who showed up at first, b/c Vu canceled last minute. Something about falling asleep. After we picked Chinese food that he would want! Good thing we didn't order clam...

I think we were 30-40 mins into the movie when Kurisu showed up.
He came a lot earlier than we expected.

Then Steph texted saying she was coming over. Whoa... we thought she'd be too busy to come! She came waaaay at the end, so didn't get to see much of the movie.

We watched all of the credits to cheer for じゅるる's name... but it wasn't there. *sigh* What a disappointment. We'll just have to re-watch the DVD release.

After the movie, Sat wanted to watch Harper's Island. Scary stuff. But I've seen more than half the episodes... why!?

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Friends Spotted at E3

I went to E3 today for a job interview of sorts.

Afterwards, I spent 2 hours wandering through south hall.
First, I spotted Loy's g/f Jennifer by the Ban-Nam booth.

Then we looped around a few booths before stopping at the Squ-Eni booth to say hi to Miki-chan, chatted w/じゅるる's colleague, then I spotted a similar face... which was Fred from AAA. I thought he was temp-ing or something, but he was there representing his work.

And we looped around some more to the Konami booth & spotted Stephen. I think we were standing there talking for almost an hour. Lots to catch up on... we'll have to throw another pink slip party again soon.

Steph was supposed to show up, but I wanted to go home so I decided to leave.

I didn't even bother to go to the west hall.
Too many flashing lights & loud BGM. I'm getting too old...